Kim Is My (way)

Ba Gua

The bagua (above) represents pursuit of the Dào (道) ... and you probably clicked on it from the home page to get here.

If you take the time to read anything on this site, my assumption is that you, like me, and everyone, are on a journey of discovery, trying to understand the meaning of life.

The best way to do this (imo) is to be completely present, in the moment, and live life fully, as it unfolds - and not waste time here :-).

Nevertheless, I might share some thoughts from time to time, usually principles I aspire to, or quotes which have resonated with me at some stage, in the hope that some find them interesting and/or useful on their own journeys through life.

Consider this site as just another source of inspiration or pointers to "the truth", from someone's (changing) perspective.

I hope you find them useful.

In the meantime, simply, Be Present ... and live life.

Namaste :-)
Licence: CC BY-SA Ba Gua